New dates for May-June and July 2017
Hi all,
Here are the dates and locations for our coffee meetings in the next few months for your diaries/calendars.
We are meeting on the second Tuesday and last Friday of each month; Tuesday mornings at St James's Church Hall and Friday afternoons at Elise's house on the Warwick University campus.
Friday 19th May 12:45-14:45 at Elise's house Warwick University (address will be on a separate reminder email a week beforehand)
Tuesday 13th June 10:00-12:00 at St James's Church Hall, Knoll Drive, Styvechale, Coventry
Friday 30th June 12:45-14:45 at Elise's house, Warwick University (address will be on a separate reminder email a week beforehand)
Tuesday 11th July 10:00-12:00 at St James's Church Hall, Knoll Drive, Styvechale, Coventry
Friday 28th July 12:45-14:45 at Elise's house, Warwick University (address will be on a separate reminder email a week beforehand)
We will send a reminder email before each event :-). Please email us/ if you need more information.
See you soon,
Elise, Esther and Michelle