About LLL
General information:
La Leche League is an international, non profit, non-sectarian organization dedicated to providing education, information, support and encouragement to anyone who wants to breastfeed.
Each LLL Leader is a mother who has breastfed her own child(ren) and who enjoys helping other mothers to do so. To become accredited a La Leche League Leader (=breastfeeding counsellor) is required to complete a comprehensive programme to familiarise herself with most aspects of breastfeeding and also to develop counselling skills. Once accredited, Leaders offer practical information and encouragement to mothers both one-to-one, by phone or e-mail, and through monthly group meetings. LLL Leaders are all unpaid volunteers.
LLL Coventry and Warwickshire is part of LLLGB. Our group started in 1983. At the moment we have one active Leader for the area.
I'm Sue, mum to one rapidly growing boy. I found LLL in 2011 when he was a baby, and enjoy being part of the amazing mother-to-mother support that LLL provides.
La Leche League Great Britain (an affiliate of LLLI) is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England: No 01566925. Registered Office 129a Middleton Boulevard, Wollaton Park, Nottingham NG8 1FW Registered Charity No 283771